( 전체 검색 결과)딴지일보 » 자유게시판
- 한동훈 헛똑똑이였네2023년다음 경기를 생각해서라도 투수 한명이라도 더 나오게 용규놀이 해야하는게 정상이다 앙 몰라 졌어 강풍기 ON 바보냐?
- 맨시티 토트넘과의 경기후 후유증 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ2023년In the late stages of the game, referee Simon Hooper blew up for a foul on Erling Haaland in the middle … Incensed by the decision, with Jack Grealish appearing through on goal, Haaland led the fiery protests
- FOMC 성명 전문 : 금리 낮춘다고 언제 그랬누?2023년Tighter financial and credit conditions for households and businesses are likely to weigh on economic … The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on
- 미국의 마이크로파 무기 현황2023년, the scientist who uncovered the neural phenomenon, said federal investigators have questioned him on … They’re a form of electromagnetic radiation on the same spectrum as light and X-rays, only at the opposite … papers — reporting that even deaf people could hear the false sounds — founded a new field of study on … Soviet research on microwaves for “internal sound perception,” the Defense Intelligence Agency warned
- 우크라이나 전쟁-전선은 과연 고착상태인가?2023년우리가 우크라이나를 잃으면 글로벌 재앙으로 가는 길이다 If We Lose Ukraine, We Are On Our Way To A Global Catastrophe 퇴역 미군 중장 … Ukrainian Marines on ‘Suicide Mission’ in Crossing the Dnipro River Soldiers frustrated by positive reports
- 보일러 가스 절약.. 어떤 방법들 쓰고 계신가유 ㄷㄷ2023년외출모드/ On . 겸용해서 쓰기 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ 검색을 해 본바 1번이 나을거 같긴 한데 다른 분들은 어찌 사용 하시는지 ㄷㄷㄷ 가스비 무섭;
- 마지막 글2023년Half that story ain't never been told So now you see the light, hey You stand up for your right Come on … everything And make everybody feel high But if you know what life is worth You would look for yours on … stand up (so we can't give up the fight) Stand up for your rights (Lord, Lord) Get up, stand up (keep on … struggling on) Don't give up the fight (yeah) We're sick and tired of your ism-schism game Dy'n' and
- 푸틴의 평화협상 조건은 우크라이나의 무조건 항복2023년Vladimir Putin has said “there will only be peace in Ukraine when we achieve our aims” as he appeared on … after Kyiv’s lacklustre counteroffensive this summer and delays in US military aid to Ukraine brought on
- 우익수가 누구야?2023년B : Hoo A : That's What I'm Asking B : Hoo A : The Guy Playing on The Right Field! … B : Hoo is on The Right Field. A : Well, What are you Asking Me For! B : I'm Not Asking You!
- [뻘] ABS On VS Off2023년. . . .
- 황희찬 선수의2023년Of the 15 weeks currently played in the Fantasy Premier League, Hwang Hee-Chan has blanked on just five … That means he’s adding points on two-thirds of his outings and is a sign that his form is not just a
- 사이버 고문에 관해 조사하고 있는 UN2023년필름스 Psychological torture is being exploited by states to circumvent the more widely understood ban on … Melzer, professor of international law at the University of Glasgow and the UN’s special rapporteur on … Those techniques, the documentary claims, were forerunners of methods used on the so-called “hooded men … Similar techniques were later inflicted by US forces on jihadi suspects detained in Guantánamo Bay. … Consequently psychological torture methods are often used “to circumvent the ban on torture because they
- 이낙연 전 총리의 착각2023년좋아 여기저기 불러주는것도 아닌 퇴물 of 퇴물일 뿐입니다 리즈 시절이 잠깐 있긴 했는데 니 손으로 친히 자폭하고 망했어요 유사 사례) 이인제, 고건, 안철수, 반기문 and so on
- 존슨되는 우크라이나2023년전쟁 지원 늘려 달라고 의회에 화상 연설을 했는데 The House speaker, Republican Mike Johnson, responded to Young’s letter on … Tuesday, outlining his caucus’s demands on border security and reiterating his position that funding
- 생물학 무기 전문 과학자 프랭크 올슨의 죽음2023년stood near him as a backhoe clawed through the earth at Linden Hills cemetery in Frederick, Maryland, on … Starrs had found no glass shards on the victim’s head or neck, as might be expected if he had dived through … Most intriguingly, although Olson had reportedly landed on his back, the skull above his left eye was … 악의를 품고, 그 창문 밖으로 던져졌다고 생각한다." --------------------------------------------- “The death of Frank Olson on
- ‘서울의 봄’ 인기에 ‘제5공화국’ 돌아온다2023년케이블채널 엠비시 온(MBC ON)은 “오는 2일부터 매주 토·일 오전 10시에 ‘제5공화국’을 내보낸다”고 밝혔다.
- MBC ON에서 오늘부터 제5공화국 시작2023년방금 10시부터 시작하네요.. 주말에.. 서울의봄 덕보기...^^
- ‘서울의 봄’ 흥행에…궁정동 총소리로 시작한 드라마 ‘제5공화국’ 재방영2023년MBC는 2일부터 자사 케이블 채널 ‘MBC ON’에서 토요일과 일요일 각 4편씩 ‘제5공화국’을 내보낸다.
- 테러리스트를 식별하기 위해 미 공항 검색대에 설치한 뇌리딩 기계2023년Computers would apply statistical algorithms to correlate physiologic patterns with computerized data on … can record brainwaves without the need for electrodes to be inserted into the brain or even placed on … From a distance 멀리서 Instead of measuring electric current flow through a fixed-on electrode, the new … "A non-invasive method would allow us to monitor the effects of drugs on the brain over time, and to
- The Show Must Go On2023년The show must go on, 쇼는 계속되어야만 해 The show must go on, yeah 쇼는 계속되어야만 해 Inside my heart is breaking 내 … 마음이 무너져 내리고 My make-up may be flaking 내 화장이 흩날리더라도 But my smile, still, stays on 나의 미소는 여전히 남아 있지. .