( 전체 검색 결과)딴지일보 » 자유게시판
- 중국의 전투기 기술력이 러시아 능가작년 3월china-surpassing-russia-in-airpower-technology-rusi/141053.article The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) has concluded that China is well on … In a recent report, the UK-based think tank contends that Russia and China are on different trajectories … Russia’s Su-57, on the other hand, has yet to become a frontline system, and lacks “the basic design
- 이철규 " 우리 애기들 어디가고 듣보들 뿐임??"작년 3월비례순번 때문에 내부총질 ON
- 국민의힘 공식 페북 눈을 의심작년 3월네거티브 ON
- 조국의 정치에 바라는점작년 3월발휘하시길 그리고 지난날의 패배를 망연자실 지켜본이들앞에서 '어벤져스 인피니티 워' 클라이막스에서 묠니르를 들어올린 캡아처럼 비명같은 환호를 이끌어주리라 기대한다. 4.10일 그의귀에 'on
- " 뭐여? 안철수 쫀겨?"작년 3월강철수 ON
- [단독] 일본 언론, 이종섭 논란 비판...“원칙 강조한 尹과 대비”작년 3월매체는 지난 일요일 이 대사의 출국에 대해 "명백하게 성급한 모양새(apparently rushed nature of the Lee's departure to Australia on
- 음악) raincoat - Shy martin작년 3월could be alone Now all I keep thinking about That first night, we walked home I forgot my raincoat on … forgot your raincoat That first night, we walked home You forgot your raincoat I forgot my raincoat on … nobody, nobody I feel it in my body I, I can feel it in my, feel it in my body You forgot your raincoat on
- 한국 제조업은 사실상 끝났네요작년 3월Cooling system exhaust pipe : 배기구 냉각 시스템 21) Side access weapons bay : 측면 내부 무장창 22) Antenna array on … Radio altimeter working on receiving : 전파 고도계(수신부) 3. … Radio altimeter, working on radiation : 전파 고도계(송신부) 5.
- ....작년 3월Cooling system exhaust pipe : 배기구 냉각 시스템 21) Side access weapons bay : 측면 내부 무장창 22) Antenna array on … Radio altimeter working on receiving : 전파 고도계(수신부) 3. … Radio altimeter, working on radiation : 전파 고도계(송신부) 5.
- 정부... 최후의 카드 떳네요ㄷㄷㄷ작년 3월감성팔이 ON
- db 터졌네요작년 3월.') #8 {main} thrown in /home/votedev3/lib/ClassDbConn.php on line 26
- 기밀 해제된 CIA 마인드 컨트롤 프로그램 문서작년 3월volunteers [deleted names] volunteered for H [hypnosis] experimentation and were originally tested on … their part even on the polygraph.” … If you view the original [document], you will also find interesting information on ESP experiments.” … ] was further instructed to tell this other girl that as soon as the device had been set and turned on … p. 1 "CIA 문서 및 페이지 번호: 140393, 페이지 1 Title: [Deleted] Date: 9 July 1951 제목: [삭제됨] 날짜: 1951년 7월 9일 “On
- 미국 국가안보국(NSA)의 시민 개인 모니터링 기술작년 3월National Security Agency reveals a frightening array of technologies and programs designed to keep tabs on … Signals Intelligence is based on fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in … 분석할 수 있는 독점 고급 디지털 장비를 개발했다. l Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT) l 국내정보수집(DOMINT) The NSA has records on … The NSA gathers information on US citizen who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents … These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone.
- 남아공 해안에서 범고래가 단독으로 백상아리 사냥하는게 촬영됨작년 3월attack by Starboard, said seeing the orca carry the liver of a great white shark past the vessel he was on
- 의사저널에 실렸던 마인드 컨트롤 기술 폭로글작년 3월With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. … He could actually be located anywhere on the globe. … systems are in place to counteract independent thinking and to control social and political activity on … This threat can be defeated only by educating the public, using available literature on biotelemetry
- '크로우 (1994)' 리부트 작품 첫 스틸컷.jpg작년 2월after Lee, the 28-year-old son of martial arts legend Bruce Lee, died following a firearm malfunction on
- [BBC] Why South Korean women aren't having babies작년 2월women aren't having babies While they eat, one of them pulls up a well-worn meme of a cartoon dinosaur on … Neither she, nor any of her friends, are planning on having children.
- 음악) Je Reste - Ouidad작년 2월Je sais même plus ce qu'on s'est dit Ni ce jour là ce qu'on faisait Mais dès l'instant où tu es parti … pas vrai que le temps guérit J'aurai toujours mal même si je souris Je ne crois pas que sous l'averse On … pas vrai que le temps guérit J'aurai toujours mal même si je souris Je ne crois pas que sous l'averse On
- 핀란드 보건복지부장관 출신의 내부폭로 강연작년 2월22, 2015 2015년 2월 22일 BY ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE 작성자: 알프레드 램브레몬트 웨브레(Alfred Lambremont Webre) WATCH ON … by remote frequency, directed energy weapons (DEW) for four days shortly before her suspicious death on … recently stated that she completed a series of particularly effective meetings with officials in the EU on
- 지구상에 등장한 새로운 파시즘: 트랜스휴머니즘작년 2월Thus, the humans who carry technological implants can be permanently spied on, mentally controlled and … will improve their condition; man would leave biological evolution and would begin an evolution based on … In relation to the effect of technological implants on the human being, transhumanists only promote brain … to highlight that Michio Kaku, the main promoter of the Internet, has expressed that he only reports on … great swindle; the transhumanism does not seek to improve the individual as its promoters affirm but on